I stumbled on a blog in the Huffington Post this week. It was a spiritual column written by a Buddhist. That’s all I can remember and despite thirty minutes of online searching, I can NOT find it anywhere. I don’t even remember what most of the blog was about except for this nugget of advice… randomly start saying the words “thank you” during your day and see what happens.
Later, I am lying in my evening bath with whatever mind-spinning concern was running its course and suddenly the words thank you popped into my mind. And just like that, out went my story and in flooded serious, honest-to-god gratefulness for the warm, warm water in my tub. It was like an electric shock into the present.
I’ve had the best time playing around with this for the last few days. At any moment, in any place – the words thank you. I instantly attach to something that I can see or feel. Tonight I said it when I was driving up my hill to go home and I truly, deeply appreciated the hill on the street that leads to my house that I have driven up at least 18,000 times. Crazy, right? Try it!
Writing this blog has been one of my great pleasures in 2011. Here’s to more shared stories, wisdom and ideas for empowered communication in 2012.
Happy New Year. And thank you.
– Charlotte