by speakwellpartners | Critical Public Speaking Skills
The Chief Marketing Officer was half-way through her perfectly memorized presentation to the sales team when it hit her: no one was listening. All that time spent memorizing her speech so she could avoid a brain freeze, and look what she got: boredom. Does this sound...
by speakwellpartners | Critical Public Speaking Skills
It’s hard to argue with people who claim that the human attention span has shrunk to an all-time low. Depending on who you listen to, it now hovers somewhere between eight seconds and 21 minutes. And since we don’t like to cite statistics we can’t...
by speakwellpartners | Critical Public Speaking Skills
Yes, I am jumping on the bandwagon of New Year’s Resolutions. Not only is it that time of year when many of us feel inspired to push the re-set button, but I have been thinking a lot about how easy it is to improve a presentation without pulling a muscle. After...
by speakwellpartners | Critical Public Speaking Skills, Preparing To Present
The #1 response I get when I recommend to my clients that they factor in time to practice their speech is “I don’t have time,” followed by “I know this stuff, I don’t need to practice.” Let’s tackle the first one today, and for the sake of argument, let’s assume...