While everyone in the U.S. was celebrating the Fourth of July holiday, another important milestone came and went: the official half-year mark. That’s right – there are only six months left in 2015. It’s a great time to take a moment and look back, and then look forward with intention. Here are three questions that never fail to provide insight and motivation to tackle the goals you set way back on January 1st.
1. What accomplishments are you most proud of? It’s very important to be in the right frame of mind when reflecting on the past, and that means summoning feelings of satisfaction. Nothing feels better than overcoming obstacles and achieving what we set out to accomplish. So, what are the one to three successes you feel most energized by?
2. What are you tolerating? This is a tough one. And so important. Tolerations keep us distracted and drain our energy. You could be tolerating a hellish commute, a demanding staff member, or putting off firing someone. For me, it’s talking to a colleague who is extremely negative. I realized the only thing I am getting out of the relationship is acid reflux. Time to make some changes.
3. Which of your goals is worthy of attention for the next six months? Lots of things have happened since last January. Goals and objectives need to be revised and refreshed. Go for a walk, or any other activity that allows your mind to roam freely. Then go back to your desk (or your phone) and look at your goals. Oh, they were never written down? Then start there. Goals that are put in writing are more substantial. Goals that are in our heads or hearts are merely wishes.
I’m very happy to say that Charlotte and I just achieved one of our 2015 goals: we launched our first online course called the Dynamic Speaker Series and it’s great, if I do say so myself. If any of your goals have to do with communication, then check out the series. We are confident the program will help you achieve your goals.
Here’s to a productive and rewarding second half. This is where championships are won.
– Barbara