Tips for Speakers from Annual Kickoffs

Tips for Speakers from Annual Kickoffs

The energy of kickoffs is wonderfully intense. It’s a show that requires scripts, rehearsal, creative energy, staging, lights, cameras, and action, whether live or virtual. A successful kickoff inspires and aligns everyone in the organization around the mission and...

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Public Speaking Calendar for Women

Public Speaking Calendar for Women

We're launching a new initiative in 2022: The Public Speaking Calendar for Women Our goal is to help women step up, stand out, slay their career goals, and feel in complete alignment in every situation. What do you want to accomplish this year? Where do you see...

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Seven Pieces of Bad Advice to Ignore in 2021 (#7)

Seven Pieces of Bad Advice to Ignore in 2021 (#7)

You'll be happy to know we saved the best for last:  Be more like a man to get ahead. Have you ever been told that acting more like a man would advance your career? Or maybe the advice was indirect. There are many cousins of "Act Like a Man" Here are a few:   Be one...

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Seven Pieces of Bad Advice to Ignore in 2021 (#6)

Seven Pieces of Bad Advice to Ignore in 2021 (#6)

Coming in at #6:  "Smile More" Here's the text string between Barbara and Charlotte in preparation for this post: That is not where Barbara thought the text string would go! We thought about not sharing it, and then realized our job is to help women find their...

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Seven Pieces of Bad Advice to Ignore in 2021 (#5)

Seven Pieces of Bad Advice to Ignore in 2021 (#5)

Coming in at #5:  Never Show Your Emotions at Work. That old chestnut. Let's start with the first tripwire: crying at work. In her book,  Dear Madam President: An Open Letter to the Women Who Will Run the World, Jennifer Palmieri, former Communications Director for...

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Seven Pieces of Bad Advice to Avoid in 2021 (#4)

Seven Pieces of Bad Advice to Avoid in 2021 (#4)

Coming in at #4: Stay in Your Lane. Helpful in a construction zone. And for athletes so they don't lose a nano-second of time. But careers? Back in 2011,  the NBC show The Voice had launched, and we were all intrigued by the blind auditions concept. Christina Aguilera...

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Seven Pieces of Bad Advice to Avoid in 2021 (#3)

Seven Pieces of Bad Advice to Avoid in 2021 (#3)

Coming in at #3: Let Your Work Speak for Itself. "No one likes a braggart: let your work speak for itself." Sound familiar? Let's cut to the chase: If your career advancement strategy is to keep your head down, work diligently, and wait for your boss and colleagues to...

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Seven Pieces of Bad Advice to Avoid in 2021 (#2)

Seven Pieces of Bad Advice to Avoid in 2021 (#2)

Coming in at #2:  Sit tight. Have you ever asked for a... raise promotion transfer new/different boss work-from-home option budget increase to fund a great idea ...and been told to "sit tight for now"? Look at all those hands raised!  Everyone once in a while, it will...

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Seven Pieces of Bad Advice to Avoid in Your Career (#1)

Seven Pieces of Bad Advice to Avoid in Your Career (#1)

Coming in at #1:  Have three arguments a day. Last fall, actress and  director Olivia Wilde fired Shia LeBeouf because he violated her straightforward policy on set: NO ASSHOLES ALLOWED no matter how talented or famous you are. We applaud - no - we  double high five...

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How to Be More Assertive Without Being Called a B

How to Be More Assertive Without Being Called a B

During a women’s leadership program last week, we were discussing the four primary styles of communication:  Supportive, Directive, Analytical and Expressive. It comes as no surprise to learn that women often use the Supportive style. After all, we have been primed...

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In the Spotlight: Michelle Sellke, Nat’l Acct Exec, Rapid7

In the Spotlight: Michelle Sellke, Nat’l Acct Exec, Rapid7

We're thrilled to share another installment of In the Spotlight with Michelle Sellke. Let's go! What does “success” in sales looks like for you? I used to be more short-sighted in the sales cycle, but I’ve learned to think for the long game. Up front I spend a lot of...

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Fostering Female Talent

Fostering Female Talent

This article is in honor of International Women's Day. In a recent workshop, a high-achieving female shared a story that nearly crushed our spirits. Having worked in the leadership communication field for over 15 years, we like to think we've made progress in leveling...

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Be Aware, Not Self-Consciousness

Be Aware, Not Self-Consciousness

Name one non-professional speaker who doesn’t manifest a physical quirk or tic when they present to a group. You’ve seen the subtle or not so subtle signals of discomfort: the crossed legs, hands in pockets, eyes glued to the back of the room, hanging onto the podium...

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There’s a Fine Line Between Can and Can’t

There’s a Fine Line Between Can and Can’t

We just finished a busy season of leadership development programs and public speaking bootcamps. Once again we are amazed at the caliber of professionals we get to work with. Some show up fully focused and powerfully present. We call them them the explorers. They can...

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When You Speak, Is it all a Blur?

When You Speak, Is it all a Blur?

One of our most successful and funniest clients simply hates public speaking. As the founder of a booming enterprise, he travels all over the world, presenting cutting-edge, breakthrough ideas (he's a little bit famous). And he dreads public speaking. In the first...

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The Most Important Visual in Your Presentation is You

The Most Important Visual in Your Presentation is You

During a recent coaching session, a successful CEO was watching himself on playback speaking to 2,000 people who came to hear his big ideas. While there was a lot of listening, laughing and interaction, one bad habit stood out: he repeatedly undermined his performance...

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