Are You Undermining Your Reputation?

Are You Undermining Your Reputation?

I feel compelled to acknowledge that this post is an outlier. The SpeakWell is about all things spoken. This post, however, is about your online presence and how that influences career success. This is the first in an ongoing series of Do’s and Don’ts of online...
Stop Confusing Thoughts with Facts

Stop Confusing Thoughts with Facts

Straight Up:  A Thought is Not a Fact.  Never has been.  Never will be.  And yet, without any awareness or extra effort, we invariably turn a negative and self-defeating thought into a fait accompli.  The most recent, from a client, “I just know I’m going to bomb up...
Excite Your Audience!

Excite Your Audience!

Given that it’s the 4th of July holiday week, we thought we’d revisit one of our more popular posts, with a couple of updated references.  Really, how often do you get to use the word smorzando in a sentence?!  Enjoy, and Happy 4th! It’s that time of year...
Stepping Over Fear

Stepping Over Fear

I am having an interesting week. I was asked to coach someone who has failed to hold up his end of the Team Presenter Pact. Apparently, the two most recent presentations were, according to one team member “abject failures.”  According to another colleague, “he shows...