Welcome Campers!

We’re jumping in with Arts & Crafts activities.

While we would love to make flowers out of soda bottles (how clever and earth-friendly!), what we’re doing today is:

Visual Display That Rocks Your Audience’s World.

And since this is the first week of camp, we have two “projects” for you.

First, our visual display one-pager that you can download here.

The advice is also here:

  • DON’T put your audience to sleep with too many bulleted lists. Challenge yourself to use as few words as possible.
  • DON’T upstage yourself by looking at the screen. You are the most important visual.
  • DO use high-resolution images for greater impact. Fuzzy clip art is a presenter’s best friend, said no one evah.
  • DON’T waste prime time with a lengthy road map or preamble. Jump right into your compelling introduction.
  • DON’T stifle your audience with dizzying graphics or animations. You want them to have deep thoughts, not vertigo.
  • DO use post-it notes (or whiteboard) during your prep time to find the right visual for each message point. It will save time with image searching.

Second, we’ve made a video tutorial for you on how to use one of PowerPoint’s fun features: adding a highlighter to your key words. Check it out!

To make this truly an Arts & Crafts project, make a slide and send it to us at partners@speakwellpartners.com. Of course, in true summer camp fashion, you could send it to your parents, but that would be weird.

See you soon for our next camp activity!