For most of us, summer conjures happy memories of outdoor activities and wholesome fun. Who says, “Ah, summer – finally time for all that research I’ve put off all year!”


Einstein got it, though: Play is the catalyst for learning – even for adults.

Let’s talk about how you can recreate that ultimate summer learning environment: CAMP!

First, just what makes camp so campy?

·  Lots of new people

·  It’s exciting (and bit scary, at first)

·  It breaks up the day-to day routines

·  Freedom of choice (except swim lessons)

·  No performance anxiety (at least until the talent show)

This sounds a lot like one of our workshops.  Who knew we were so campy?

Let’s break it down so you can apply these experiences, right away…

Lots of new people. We learn together.

Exposure to new people with different interests and points of view can broaden your focus. We tend to stay in our bubble. What if you run your ideas by people who are adjacent to your work?

It’s exciting and bit scary. Stretch your comfort zone, but don‘t implode!

Obviously, no one lets you jump into the deep end when you first learn to swim.  Clear self-awareness helps us right-size our next action. We don’t have to go from a team presentation to a keynote. But we do need to stay in the game!

It’s outside of your day-to day routines. New environments inspire new ideas.

Sitting at the same desk in front of the same computer trying to write something brilliant is hard. Last week one of our clients took a long walk and talked into her phone to record ideas. She had great ideas. Movement is a form of play in this context and shakes things up.

Freedom of Choice. Follow your own joy.

The best communicators find ways to integrate their interest and passions into their presentations, i.e., using the metaphor of being a marathoner to speak to the work ahead, or sharing history lessons from ancient warfare to reflect on difficult market conditions. This differentiates you and builds better audience connection.

No performance anxiety. The act is more important than the outcome.

Of course we want our team to win color wars, but we are present to the activity itself. The doing is the thing. No rumination, or relentless self-criticism, just on to the next thing. What a relief.